Thursday, October 30, 2014

Connect and Learn at edcampPDX, November 15 at Liberty High School in Hillsboro

Calling all teachers, instructional technologists, IT staff, principals, admins and teacher librarians in the area -- the next edcamp will be held Saturday, November 15 from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm at Liberty High School in Hillsboro.

What is edcampPDX?
An edcamp is an informal unconference-style day of professional development organized and given by the local participants with sessions determined at the time of the event. Connect with other educators to share innovative instructional strategies and technologies that transform education for all students. Arrive with an idea for a session that you would like to lead or a discussion you would like to have and be ready to learn.

What are the goals of EdcampPDX?
✪ Networking: Connect with educators in the Greater Portland/Oregon Area.
✪ Instructional Practices: Learn new ideas, best practices, and/or tech integration ideas from other educators.
✪ Personalization: Customize your own PD by suggesting, facilitating and attending sessions about topics that interest you!

What do I need to bring?
Bring a friend and your favorite device: laptop, tablet, smartphone with the appropriate power cables. Lunch is provided!